[message]To all the creatives behind the art [クリエイターのおかげ]
A tribute to all the stylists, photographers, models, HMU artists, shoot assistants and brands that we have been lucky enough to work alongside with. It is an honour to be able to collaborate with such admirable and upcoming creative professionals. We are extremely proud of the shoots and campaigns that ITADAKI has created and been apart of thus far, and we would not be where we are today without these people behind the art and the inspiration they have provided.
If you are interested in collaborating with us or loaning our garments please reach out to us on email at contact@itadaki.store
Clown Shoot [ピエロ]
Talents @the.juno.jung @seohbn, Photographer @tobias__tobias, Stylist @byshaz_, MUA @rika.raee, Assist @hellcattleya
Swamp Shoot [沼]
Photographer @sylvestre_3000, Talents @222sage @rabbitsfoot333, Assist @tobias__tobias
Construction Man [職人]
Talents - Shuichi, Photographer @hellcattleya
Soccer Shoot [サッカー]
Photographer @taylorirelandd, Talent @charlotte_clinic_, @miasfrocks
Kamogawa [鴨川]
Photographer @tobias__tobias, Talent @miasfrocks
Su in Tokyo [東京でスーにいる]
Photographer @tobias__tobias, Talent @wat3r.me1on
At the station [駅にいる]
Photographer and lighting @sylvestre_3000, styling/direction by @hayley_hing, talent @cacaobean, makeup @rabbitsfoot333, assistant @saralacanale
Office Shoot [事務所]
Creative direction @letitiaandoh and @nine.eyes, concept @nine.eyes, HMU @letitaandoh, photography @askroicecold and @nine.eyes, talent @letitiaandoh and @nine.eyes
Laundry Day [洗濯の日]
Photographer @tobias__tobias, model @ninamiyashita
Puffs Shoot [パフパンツ]
Photographer @taylorireland, Talent @tahliamacri, @miasfrocks, @tobias__tobias, @bhag.rajneesh, @wwwdotangus, Max
British Cake [エゲレスのケーキ]
Photographers @letitiaandoh and @nine.eyes, Talents @letitiaandoh and @nine.eyes